Across his supervisor’s shoulder, Bernard could look down at the station with the first of the evening’s commuter trains starting to leave. The women would be all right in their air-conditioned carriages, Bernard thought, but the men having to travel in coaches that were little more than cattle trucks would be finding the conditions oppressive. Bernard was starting to wonder if he would end up having to look for a job that meant he would be travelling like that.“Good. Well, it seems that in spite of all the problems, we are not going to sack you.”Bernard’s relief was immediate. Losing his job right now would be a disaster, he thought. There were few sponsorships available for someone of his age and the life of an un-sponsored male was an even more depressing prospect than being in service as he was.“No, we’re not going to sack you, but we are going to transfer you. It seems you made some sort of impression on Madame Chao. She’s asked for you to be assigned to one of the Sunrise. We were airborne by 2110 headed east for Portugal. The flight was to be five to six hours, depending on winds.I made the call to the Portuguese customs office at the Lisbon international airport that a state department delegation would be arriving with armed bodyguards as was protocol; the delegation would go direct to the US embassy.Then we did as we always did, reclined in the fancy chairs and slept for most of the flight.Max Grover and Toby Nash were the pilot and copilot for this trip. I asked Max to quietly wake me an hour before landing. It was a smooth flight with little turbulence.At 0100 Toby shook my shoulder and mouthed that we were an hour out.I sent an email to Thad Jennings who - according to the duty schedule - should have been the night duty supervisor, “Send both Suburbans to the general aviation customs desk at Lisbon International to pick up two VIP and nine security personnel. Be there at 0200.”“Ten four” was replied in a couple minutes.We landed on time and. is a perfect place for the average user who seeks quality and quantity in equal manners. Whenever in need to watch Hindi Sexy Video Suhagrat Wala indian porn porn, this place will always provide not just the best materials, but also the newest and most popular ones. Real Hindi Sexy Video Suhagrat Wala indian porn porn for those seeking the right thrill. See it all in HD and stream it at fast speeds. made sure to gather the finest options in order for you to enjoy a great stay. Every fapping pleasure can be fulfilled with few simple clicks on the numerous fuck videos in the collections.