WOW! I thought to myself, she was really out this time. My cock couldnt handle it any longer, it was throbbing and rubbing along her legs leaving a slug trail of precum I knew this could potentially wake her, so I grabbed my cock and rested it alongside her pussy lips. I gently wiggled it back and forth trying to lubricate it with her juice. I reached my hand over slid along her lips coating my fingers, then rubbed my cock till it was fully coated in her juice. It was now or never I thought. Holding my cock firmly I rubbed it along her lips, positioned it above where I imagined her hole to be and slowly pressed. Then I pressed a bit harder. It wasnt going on! I sort of began to panic, why the hell cant I get in there, my thumb has no problems. I frantically slid my cock up and down her lips, pressing here, pressing there, and still I couldnt get it to slide its way in. Suddenly she let out a brief sound, and moved slightly. FUCK! I thought to myself, as I quickly grabbed my raging. After dressing she came out and started her work. Savannah came outside and met up with her. You almost done she asked. If you help, I'll be done sooner, Megan told her. Together they finished in a couple of hours.What do you want to do now, Megan asked. Savannah pulled at the zipper on the back of Megan's dress. How about I let you eat my pussy, she said with an evil grin. Slapped at her Megan said, aunt Ann's home. Taking her hand Savannah dragged Megan towards the path leading to the pond. There she kissed her neck as she unzipped Megan's dress. Crossing her arms over her chest, Megan asked what if someone sees us. Pushing the dress off her shoulders Savannah said, let them watch. A chill ran through Megan thinking about it. Taking her own dress off Savannah jumped in the water. Letting her dress fall Megan followed.After swimming, they laid in the warmth of the sun letting it dry them. Turning on her side Megan watched Savannah as she lay. Her brown skin sparkled with some water.
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