They'll behave as if naked bodies are an everyday occurrence. What I don't want is for all the girls to sit in a corner and talk about school, or clothes. That'd be pointless." The idea of all the girls sitting around discussing clothes when they could be frolicking naked in the hot tub with me was, in my opinion, not so much "pointless" as a DISASTER. -- "When we get home, I want you to head to the hot tub room, undress there, and climb in. Don't run to do it, but don't fool around for more than a few minutes. It doesn't matter whether any of the others are naked, in the pool, in the room, or anything. Just do what I've said, okay?" It doesn't sound complicated, just embarrassing." Yes, but they'd feel the same if we wanted them to strip first, so if you break the ice then it'll be easier for them to follow. When you come in, avoid any distractions and strip. Once you're in the pool, you can fool around a little - in fact, please do - just no heavy sex please, not for the first hour. Stan was proud of what he had done. He even boasted about sleeping with a woman in a hotel close to home then coming home to his wife and talking her (me) into sucking his dick, even though he hadn't taken a shower or cleaned himself off. It wasn't the first time he had done that. I read many instances where he had come home after a night with others to have sex with me. "You okay?" Gina said. I nodded at her. These trips into memory lane and beyond were becoming more frequent. "Mind if..." I began to say, but Frank and Gina were already nodding their head. I took off my apron and walked out into the fresh air. I took a deep breath and bent at the knee, looking down at the floor. "You got this," I said to myself. "Things are turning around; the kids are happy; you just need to find something that makes you happy; that's all." It was a daily speech I gave myself every day, sometimes three to four times in a single day. I walked to my car and got in. While everything else was getting.
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