Ok go ahead, otherwise you will annoy with me for this simple request. I closed my eyes letting her to give a kiss. I thought it would be a simple face to face hugging. Unexpectedly, she embraced me and kept her lips on me. It was really lovemaking hard kiss. I tried to resist but her strong arms held me not to move. I was really confused by this incident as well as little bit sensation arouse inside me. Thanks. She complemented. Her eyes implied dominating look. Both we went out. The selected dress was on her hand. My mind was so awful with sudden act of her. And also I felt that flying butterflies on my stomach because of her sensational touch. She turned and looked at me with a smile. She put the dress in the bag. Thanks for helping me Anu” I said her to cover the hastiness in the mind. Instead of going to cashier she went to the steps to go upper floors. While she was going up, she remembered me Do you know? I think you have not finished shopping here. I would be forth floor. Karen had tears running down her face as she grasped deeply trying to get her breathe back. She finally said "You little bastard you could've killed me, what were you thinking?" I said I was sorry and that I wasn't thinking just getting off. Karen slapped me hard on the side of my face and walked out of my room slamming my door as she left. I got up getting dressed I went to find Karen but she was in her room with the door locked telling me to go away. I found dad at the table eating some pancakes and he said "So the honeymoon is over is it k**, that didn't take long did it? I hope you were using protection you little bastard cause remember what I told you about her being fertile don't you? Well do you?" I told him to leave me alone and that it was none of his business what we did. I got myself a cup of coffee and as I sat down to finish it Karen walked in the room dressed. She said "Dan I need you to drive me to Dr. Watson right now cause they have a opening and can see me as soon.
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