Well Tom showed up anyway all dressed and ready to go. "Dude why aren't you ready?" "Tom I am just not in the mood man." "Come on Dave, get in the mood, we will have a blast." " Tom, I can't go I don't have a costume." "No big deal man, we can both fit in my costume, I can take the stuffing out of the second head and we can go as the two headed monster, besides think of the fun we will have, every one will assume there is only one person in the costume and we can fuck with them by one of us drinking while the other one talks and I am sure we can think of other shit to pull, come on dude let's go." "Fine, but will we both fit in there?" "The costume is big enough for both of us." So we headed into my bedroom and Tom unzipped his costume and I noticed he was only wearing his boxers. He noticed me looking. "Oh yeah forgot to tell you it gets pretty hot in this costume so you will be better off if your also only wearing your boxers too." I didn't say anything but all kinds of thoughts. I placed the hand s on the butts giving the support. I moved tongue to lick the thick cum over her pussy and let it cum free. Thereby she was again hot to have her second orgasm.I moved tongue in a circular fashion on pussy lips, which brought more pleasures to her. I continued raising her to climax and releasing her load. She was about to fall but I supported her butts. She was breathing heavily. She said “you really brought pleasure to me today. My husband never eats my pussy. Actually I was not aware of the pleasure of pussy sucking. ” she begged for laying her on bed but I refused. I was still moving my tongue on her pussy lips. Then I moved my hands on her butts and tongue on pussy vigorously. I pushed one finger in her asshole making her moan oooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu cccccccccccccc hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I made to and fro motion first slowly and then fast giving her pleasure to ecstasy. Her cunt was again flowing giving me indication of her third orgasm. She loaded and I once more.
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